The little man asked to walk the entire coastal path of England, Scotland and Wales and of course because we love a challenge we said yes... here is his little video introducing the first coastal hike of many, many more.....

Little mans bag packed and already for the weekend/week ahead. So we would think all smiles and excitement for what the adventure will bring. Sadly when you struggle with emotions it is just not that simple. Today he should have been attending a birthday party for one of his friends. But with the anxieties of tomorrow and a party today it all became to much. It was absoutly heart breaking and sole destroying to watch him go through this, and to have to make the decison to say no to the party was an awful thing to have to do as a parent. (Judge away) but he could barely control his emotions in the home, and i did not want the party to become a negative experience for him.. once the decison was made and explained and after tears and heartbreak from all 3 of us and lots of suppory from garlic you could see the weight of the world come away from him ... it is points like this that truly tear me apart, i never felt so awful 😪 having to make a decision like that. He is now calm and settled ... we are up very early in the morning to get the ferry so it is good night from penfold and do not forget to follow our journey over the weekend/week ahead . here to add text.
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We have made to Cowes first day complete and it has just gone 1pm and 8 miles done... enjoying a well earned drink for the humans and a rest for the 4 legged one 😀... we stopped in Fishbourne on route for a refreshment stop at the lovely 'the hut' nr the Fishbourne pub. The gentleman running the hut overwhelmed us with such kindness and generosity including a sausage for Garlic and an ice cream for the little man.. if you are ever in Fishbourne we highly recommend a visit to the hut, friendly, relaxed atmosphere... 😊
Kindness breads kindness so if you do go to the hut show kindness, because they deserve some good karma.. 👍

Day 2
This day should of seen us walk from Cowes to Yarmouth a distance of 16 miles. However due to the heatwave and the fact that we had Garlic our dog with us, we decided to change course, and complete one of the shorter routes and come back to this leg after Cas and Garlic had headed home, as they where only with us for 3 days. So we decided on Brightstone to Niton a distance of 8 miles. But it was Sunday and limited Bus service to Brightstone and we had missed the first one, so we changed plan to correspond with the bus timetables. We ended up deciding on the Niton to Sandown route 9 miles. But due to having already missed the bus to Niton and with the Sandown one leaving soon, we decided to do this section in reverse, Sandown to Niton.
We had an amazing day we got distracted and spent quite a bit of time on the beach at Shanklin and even Garlic got to get off lead and have a charge about in the sand. Little man had a great day and his enthusiasm for walking was beginning to rub off on us, and we where experiencing this amazing journey together. We where all very excited when we made it to Niton, as the last past of the walk was along the ridge of a field and it did feel like it was never going to end and Cas and i were both becoming concerned we may miss the bus... but we made it with plenty of time to spare and Garlic bless him was very pleased to reach the bus stop.

Day 4 Sandown to Ryde
Rather than you hear my thoughts on the day, today Penfold himself is going to provide the story for the day.
As we are behind on updating and this walk is completed Penfold is recall what he remembers from that day.
We got up and we got ready and then went to the pubs resturant that we where staying in for the duration of our trip. Then Me, mummy, mum and Garlic walked down to the bus station to get the bus to Sandown to start day three of our walk. Garlic sat next to me on the bus and i was hugging him. I was hugging him as he did not like the bus. It was sunny and windy at the start of our walk, so i made my head warm by putting on my snood and pulled up the hood of my jumper over my head and it kept the wind out brilliantly.
At the beginning of our walk we walked along the sea front and then it took us up the hill, and i was holding Garlic and there was a gravel path with a sandy beach below and there was a monument right at the top of the hill. As i was walking up the hill i was able clearly see down below the deep blue sea and i was able to see beyond the very chalky cliffs with the waves crashing against them. Beyond the chalky cliffs i could see a monument and lots of grassy fields.
There was a little cafe at the top of the hill where the monument stood tall and we had ice creams and drinks at the cafe and it was quite windy, but you could see many ways, left, right and behind us at the stunning views. We left the cafe to walk down the chalky path that was on the other side of the hill, with a nice stunning view. As we left the cafe we did not go up to the monument because there was lots of people surrounding the monument, so we walked on past with the monument on our left.
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